CSS :: Phylum Porifera

21.  Canal system is found in which of these:
A. Star-fishes B. Sponges
C. Corals D. All of these

22.  Cells secreting calcareous spicules are called:
A. Nematocysts B. Archacocytes
C. Calcoblasts D. Desmocytes

23.  Cells forming siliceous spicules are called:
A. Spongioblasts B. Calcoblasts
C. Silicoblasts D. Osteoblasts

24.  Spongin fibres are secreted by which of these:
A. Calcoblasts B. Silicoblasts
C. Spongioblasts D. None of these

25.  Sleleton forming cells are called:
A. Scleroblasts B. Cnidoblasts
C. Collencytes D. Desmacytes

26.  Water enters the body of sponges through:
A. Ostia B. Osculum
C. Radial Canals D. Spongocoel

27.  Cells characteristic of sponges are:
A. Nematocysts B. Choanocytes
C. Epithelial cells D. Amoebocytes

28.  Choanocytes are present in sponges in:
A. Inner layer B. Outer layer
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

29.  Cells ingesting food in Leucosolenia and other sponges are:
A. Pinacocytes B. Choanocytes
C. Porocytes D. Trophocytes

30.  Cells found only in sponges and not in other metazoa are:
A. Nematocysts B. Nematoblasts
C. Choanocytes D. Chondriocytes

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