CSS :: Phylum Echinodermata

1.  Spines are found on the body surface of:
A. Sycon B. Cockroach
C. House-fly D. Star-fish

2.  Animals with spiny skin are called:
A. Helminthss B. Moluscs
C. Arthropods D. Echinoderms

3.  Star-fish belongs to phylum:
A. Cnidaria B. Nematoda
C. Mollusca D. Echinoderms

4.  Which of these groups has exclusively marine animals:
A. Mollusca B. Cnidaria
C. Echinodermata D. None of these

5.  Which of these groups has no parasitic forms:
A. Echinodermata B. Nematoda
C. Protozoa D. Arthropoda

6.  Adult echinoderms are:
A. Radially symmetrical B. Bilaterally symmetrical
C. Biradially symmetrical D. None of these

7.  Larvae of echnoderms are:
A. Radially symmetrical B. Bilaterally symmetrical
C. Biradially symmetrical D. Asymmetrical

8.  Larva of star-fish is:
A. Asymmetrical B. Bilaterally symmetrical
C. Irregular D. None of these

9.  In which of these the sexual reproduction takes place without copulation:
A. Cockroach B. Earthworm
C. Star-fish D. Ascaris

10.  Fertilization is external and occurring in sea water in:
A. Star-fish B. Mosquito
C. Earthworm D. None of these

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