CSS :: Phylum Annelida

91.  Intestinal caeca in earthworm secrete:
A. Muscus B. Amylase
C. Lipase D. None of these

92.  Gizzard in Pheretima secretes:
A. Muscus B. Amylase
C. Lipase D. None of these

93.  Typhlosole in Pheretima serves to:
A. Secrete enzymes B. Secrete mucus
C. Increase area of intestine D. None of these

94.  In Pheretima the typhlosole is the part of:
A. Reproductive organs B. Intestine
C. Gizzard D. Pharynx

95.  Role of typhlosole in Pheretima is to:
A. Control flow of blood B. Kill harmful bacteria
C. Increase absorptive surface area D. None of these

96.  Septal nephridia in earthworm pour into:
A. Coelom B. Intestine
C. Buccal cavity D. Body surface

97.  Typhlosole in earthworm starts from segment numbering:
A. 14 B. 17
C. 27 D. 7

98.  Animal which respires but has no respiratory organs is:
A. Earthworm B. Cockroach
C. Both of these D. None of these

99.  Terminal ducts of septal nephridia in earthworm open:
A. In paired supraintestinal excretory ducts B. In paired septal excretory ducts
C. Directly in the intestine D. On the body surface by nephridiopores

100.  Alimentary canal in earthworm is lined from outside by:
A. Ectodermal epithelium B. Peritoneal coelomic epithelium
C. Enteric epithelium D. Cuticle

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