CSS :: Integumentary System

31.  Which of the following pigments is present throughout the mammalian epidermis:
A. Melanin B. Melanoid
C. Haemoglobin D. Oxyhaemoglobin

32.  Which group has homiothermal animals:
A. Whale, pigeon, bat B. Crocodile, alligator, turtle
C. Dog-fish, cat-fish, sea-horse D. Frog, toad, salamander

33.  Which of these is a cold blooded (poikilothermal) animal:
A. Duct and penguin B. Hippopotamus
C. Snake or tortoise D. Rat and Rabbit

34.  Which sets of characters will be more useful to the animal when outside temperature is considerably higher than body temperature:
A. Skin smooth covered with oil B. Skin dark, covered with feathers
C. Skin rough, with scales D. Skin soft, with abundant sweat glands

35.  The warm-blooded nature of mammals is aimed:
A. Producing constant heat energy for physiologiical functions B. Keeping body temperature constant under fluctuating environmental temperature
C. Allowing increase in evaporation at body surface D. Speeding anabolic rate

36.  Regulation of body temperature in a homiotherms during high environmental temperature would involve:
A. Dialation of blood vessels of skin B. Constriction of blood vessels of skin
C. No change in the blood vessels of skin D. Decreased flow of blood without any change in blood vessles

37.  Thermoregulatory centre in mammals is located in:
A. Pituitary body B. Skin
C. Hypothalamus D. diencephalon

38.  Sweat glands in mammals are concerned primarily with:
A. Osmoregulation B. Rendering skin water proof
C. Removal of excess salt from body D. Regulation of body temperature

39.  In a homoiothermal animal:
A. Blood is cool B. Blood is hot
C. Constant body temperature is maintained D. Body temperature veries with that of environment

40.  Secretion of sebaceous glands in mammals helps mainly in:
A. Regulating body temperature B. Making skin soft and supple
C. Plugging pores of body to keep body warm D. Killing bacteria upon skin

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