CSS :: Cell in Animals

1.  Cell may be regarded a:
A. Only structural unit of organization of living things B. Only functional unit of organization of living things
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

2.  Who cointhe word cell?
A. Robert Hooks B. Robert Brown
C. Rudolph Virchow D. None of these

3.  Who observed the free living cells and noted the presence of a central structure in each cell:
A. Robert Hooke B. Leeuwenhock
C. Robert Brown D. None of these

4.  Nucleus ws named:
A. Robert Hooke B. Dujardin
C. Robert Brown D. None of these

5.  Who observed jelly-like protoplasm in:
A. Dujardin B. Schleiden
C. Schwann D. Leeuwenhock

6.  Term sarcode for protoplasm was used by:
A. Schwann B. Dujradin
C. Camillo Goli D. Rudolph Virchow

7.  According to cell theory the cell is:
A. Structural unit of all living organizations B. Functional unit of living organizations
C. Both structural and functional unit of organization of living things D. None of these

8.  The cell theory was proposed by:
A. Mathias J. Schleiden B. Theodore Schwann
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

9.  "Omnis cellula e cellula" was stated by:
A. Dujardin B. Schleiden and Schwann
C. Rudolph Virchow D. None of these

10.  The cell theory proposed by Schleiden and Schwann states that:
A. Cells are fundamental and functional unit of animals and plants B. All cells are living
C. All cells have nuclei D. None of these

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