CSS :: Cultural change and Social Policy

101.  "Future Shock" term used by
A. Vilfredo Pareto B. Alvin Toffler
C. Karl Marx

102.  Social planning is
A. a state of felt deprivation. B. an attempt at the intelligent direction of social change.
C. managing the society.

103.  Policy itself has
A. three senses B. four senses
C. no sense

104.  The purposes for which men associate each other is
A. purpose B. policy
C. need D. society

105.  Over the last century a distinction has been constructed between
A. policy and policy making B. culture and society
C. None of these

106.  Policy sciences are concerned with
A. understanding the decision processes of public and private institutions. B. policy making.
C. some unknown facts.

107.  The term 'policy sciences' was introduced after
A. World War I B. World War II
C. 18th century

108.  The term 'policy sciences' was introduced by
A. Lerner and Lasswell B. Max Weber
C. R. V. Young

109.  The term 'policy sciences' was introduced in
A. 1953 B. 1951
C. 1907

110.  The social indicator movement was proposed by
A. Bauer B. Deleon
C. Isard

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