CSS :: U.S.S.R Constitution

171.  Russian expansion in Manchuria caused a war with ______ in 1904-05?
A. Japan B. France
C. China D. Britain

172.  Russo-Austrian rivalry was a major cause of outbreak of World War-I Russia fought in alliance with _____ and ______:
A. France and Germany B. France and Turkey
C. Britain and Turkey D. France and Britain

173.  What was the name of the treaty in 1918 that ended Russia's war with Germany and Austria-Hungary?
A. The treaty of London B. The treaty of Paris
C. The treaty of Brest-Litovsk D. None of them

174.  Who became prime minister of Russia in July-August 1917?
A. Kerensky B. Nicholas
C. Alexander D. None of them

175.  St. Petersburg. The capital was moved to Moscow in:
A. 1918 B. 1917
C. 1921 D. 1922

176.  Newly created (1989) Congress of People's Deputies voted to end the communist Party's control over the government and elected Gorbachev President of the Soviet Union on:
A. March 14,1990 B. March 14,1993
C. March 14,1991 D. March 14,1992

177.  What does Buran mean in Russian?
A. Firestorm B. Thunderstorm
C. Snowstorm D. Hurricane

178.  Largest ethnic group of Russia is Russian. Which is the second largest ethnic group?
A. Tatar B. Ukrainian
C. Bashkir D. Chuvash

179.  What are the total Federal Administrative divisions of Russia?
A. 85 B. 87
C. 89 D. 80

180.  Russia got Independence from Soviet Union on:
A. August 24,1989 B. August 24,1990
C. August 24,1992 D. August 24,1988

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