CSS :: The State

51.  The territory of a state consists of:
A. Land B. Land and sea
C. Land, rivers and mountains D. Land, territorial water and air space

52.  The term territorial water means:
A. The water found within the country in the shape of rivers and lakes B. The water secured from other countries
C. The water, which is supplied to other countries D. Water of sea located close to the coast of a country

53.  The largest state in terms of population is
C. India D. China

54.  The largest state in terms of territory is:
A. China B. India
C. USA D. Soviet Union

55.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. The government is the master while the state is its agent B. The state is the master while the government is its agent
C. Government and state are one and the same thing D. The authority of the state is limited while that of the government is unlimted

56.  A state becomes a state only if:
A. It is recognised by majority of the members of the UNO B. It is recognised by all the states
C. It is recognised by at least ten sovereign states D. None of the above

57.  A state must possess:
A. A democratic government B. Parliamentary government
C. Presidential government D. Some kind of government

58.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. An individual has to be loyal to state B. An individual may be disloyal to state but he has to be loyal to the government
C. An individual has to be loyal to the Parliament

59.  Membership of state is:
A. Compulsory B. Voluntary
C. Unnecessary D. Not desirable

60.  According to Aristotle:
A. State is a divine institution B. State is an artificial creation
C. State is a creation of force D. State is a natural institution

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