CSS :: Liberalism

111.  The term 'Liberalism' originated from that world 'Tiber' taken from:
A. Greek language B. French language
C. Latin language D. Spanish language

112.  According to the Liberals the state should promote the welfare of:
A. Ruling classes B. The upper classes
C. The bourgeoisie classes D. All the sections of society

113.  The liberal theory regards the state:
A. As an end in itself B. As a means to an end
C. As an instrument of exploitation D. As an instrument for levelling of inequalities

114.  Who said 'Liberalism is a passion for liberty'?
A. Bentham B. J.S. Mill
C. Barker D. Laski

115.  The modern individualism arose as a reaction against:
A. Extreme collectivism B. Fascism
C. Misuse of individual freedom D. All the above

116.  Who of the following is the most important exponent of modern individualism?
A. J.S. Mill B. Herbert Spencer
C. Adam Smith D. Graham Wallas

117.  Who of the following is regarded as the father of liberal political philosophy?
A. John Locke B. Hobbes
C. Laski D. None of the above

118.  Who said Liberalism is the expression less of trend them of a temperament. It implies a passion for liberty; and that the passion may be compelling. It requires a power to be tolerant; even sceptical about opinions and tendencies you hold to be dangerous, which is one of the rarest human qualities.
A. Lord Bryce B. Thomas Paine
C. Horold Laski D. Marx Webber

119.  The Liberal philosophy found its best exposition in:
A. The American Declaration of Independence 1776 B. The French Declaration of the Rights of Man, 1789
C. The Indian Independence Act 1947 D. Both (a) and (b)
E. In all (a) (b) and (c)    

120.  The Liberalism which flourished in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is also known as:
A. Early Liberalism B. Primitive Liberalism
C. Classical Liberalism D. All the above three

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