CSS :: Constitution and Constitutional Government

101.  A constitution is known as dispersed if:
A. It is available in writing in one single document B. Is available in written form in two documents
C. Most of the provisions of the constitution lie scattered D. None of the above

102.  A codified constitution is:
A. Available as written in one single document B. One in which all the customs and conventions have been reduced to writing
C. One in which all the provisions are pieced together in one or more documents D. None of the above

103.  An evolved constitution means a constitution:
A. Which has been made by Constitution Assembly B. Which has been made by the King
C. Which has been made by the Parliament D. Which has grown imperceptibly over the years

104.  An enacted constitution is:
A. The result of slow process of evolution B. Enacted after deliberation and discussion
C. One which has reduced the customs and conventions into writing D. One which has been given by the King

105.  An amendment in the constitution is subject to referendum in:
A. Britain B. Switzerland
C. U.S.A. D. India

106.  The development of constitution can take place in a number of ways. Some of the methods are given below, but one of them has been wrongly indicated. Tick the same:
A. Through formal amendment B. Through the conventions
C. Through judicial interpretation D. Through plebiscite

107.  A constitution which provided for a rigid distribution of powers between the Centre and its constituent units is known as:
A. Written constitution B. A federal constitution
C. A rigid constitution D. None of the above

108.  A constitutional government means:
A. An arbitrary government with a despotic ruler B. A government limited by the terms of the constitution
C. A government in which the head of the state enjoys very nominal powers D. A government which is not subject to any restraints

109.  Which one of the followings is not a feature of constitutionalism?
A. Limited Government B. Supremacy of individual
C. Supremacy of Law D. Division of powers

110.  Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of Constitution?
A. It is collection of principles or laws which enjoy special sanctity B. It determines the structure of the main organs of government and distribution of sovereign power between various authorities
C. It generally contains a statement of objectives D. None of the above

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