Engineering :: Thermodynamics

391.  A body of weight 100 N falls freely through a distance of 10 m against an atmospheric drag force of 5 N. Considering the body as the system, the work interaction is
A. 1000 Nm B. 1050 Nm
C. 950 Nm D. 50 Nm

392.  For a pure substance at its triple point, the number of degrees of freedom is
A. 0 B. 1
C. 2 D. None of the above

393.  Maxwells relations are valid for
A. all substances solid, liquid or gas B. compressible substances
C. systems of fixed chemical compositions D. homogeneous as well as heterogeneous systems

394.  Gibbs free energy G is given by
A. G = H + Ts B. G = H/Ts
C. G = H - Ts D. G = T . H . s.

395.  In case of real gases, Cp will be equal to Cv
A. at critical temperature B. above critical temperature
C. at triple point D. at absolute zero

396.  Adiabatic bulk modulus is Y times the isothermal bulk modulus
A. for real gases only B. for perfect gases only
C. for liquids only D. for all fluids

397.  Of the following first law statements, choose the one that is wrong
A. the net heat transfer equals the network for a cycle B. the heat transfer cannot exceed the work done
C. the heat transfer equals the work plus the energy change D. the energy of an isolated system remains constant

398.  A solar cell system is to suppmy 1050 kWh/month. The average output is 15 percent of the rated power. The rated power must be
A. 3 kW B. 4.5 kW
C. 9.7 kW D. 14.4 kW

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