CSS :: General Geography

61.  What is loess?
A. A kind of alluvial soil B. The fine sand found in the desert.
C. The sand the Mediterranean winds blow up. D. A fine dust that covers the land in interior China.

62.  What is sometimes referred to as the World Ocean?
A. All the Oceans of the world when considered as one ocean because they are interconnected. B. The Pacific Ocean
C. The Atlantic Ocean. D. The ocean south of the Africa mainland.

63.  What are the Selvas?
A. The forests in the Tropics. B. Hot, wet equatorial evergreen forests.
C. The jungles of India. D. The woods in the Iberian peninsula.

64.  What are the Roaring Forties?
A. A typhoon in the China Sea. B. A hurricane in the Caribbean.
C. A kind of tornado. D. Strong winds that blow between 40 and 50 degrees South, in a direction opposite to the winds.

65.  What happens in land that is in the rain shadow?
A. It gets no rain, because the rains are cut off by high mountains at one edge of the land. B. It gets very heavy rain during most of the year.
C. The skies above are always cloudy. D. The winds blow much less in these parts.

66.  What is the Continental Shelf?
A. A plateau in the centre of a continent. B. The land that gently slopes and extends below sea level from the coasts of the continents before sharply sloping to form the seafloor in the deeps.
C. Mountain ranges that edge a continent. D. The raised land on a continent's edge.

67.  What is the more common name for the winds that are sometimes called the Anti-trades?
A. Cyclones B. The North Winds
C. The East Winds D. The Westerlies

68.  What is Cash Crop?
A. A rich harvest. B. A crop that is not a food crop; it is grown for sale to manufactures who convert it into products.
C. Crops grown in plantations. D. A crop which earns a lot of money.

69.  What have the Sirocco, Fohn and Mistral in common?
A. All are Mediterranean towns. B. All are European mountain ranges.
C. All are mediterranean currents. D. All are strong winds, the effect of local conditions.

70.  Which part of the world is regularly visited by tornadoes?
A. South-east USA B. The Caribbean
C. Central America D. The desert states of the USA

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