CSS :: Sustained Yield Regulations

21.  Stocking and density means:
A. Stocking: Is a qualitative term, which designates the relative occupation of the site by trees. B. Stand density: A quantitative measure of tree stocking, expressed either relatively as a co-efficient, taking normal numbers, basal area
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

22.  Yield regulation means:
A. A loose term generally to the determination of yield and prescribed means of achieving it B. Yield includes final yield and intermediate yield
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

23.  What are the objects of yield regulation?
A. To protect masure trees from wastage B. Molding growing stock into efficient machine
C. Optimum and regular yield D. To meet the demand of the people
E. All of the above    

24.  Methods of yield regulation for even-aged forests are:
A. Area method B. Periodic yield and regeneration block (Cotta Formula)
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

25.  Volume regulation formulate are used:
A. Hunder Shagen B. Van Mantle
C. Blan Ford formulae D. All of the above

26.  Hunder Shagan's formula is:
A. Actual annual yield (Ya) in a forest should bear the same relationship to volume of actual growing stock (Va) B. The normal annual yield (Yn) does to volume of normal growing stock (Vn)
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

27.  Von Mantel's formula is:
A. Based on idea of relationship between volume B. Increment Mental in 1852 formulated it.
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

28.  Numbers size of trees methods is:
A. Number of trees in each size class B. Passage of time from one dia class to another dia class
C. Casualty percentage D. All of the above

29.  Method of control mean:
A. It is not a method of yield regulation but a method of repeated inventories in un-even-aged forests B. Continuous record of history of growing stock, its volume
C. Size class distribtion, causalities and increment D. All of the above

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