CSS :: Forestry Environment

261.  The lower most layer of atmosphere in which man and other living organisms exist is called:
A. Thermosphere B. Mesosphere
C. Stratoshee D. Troposphere

262.  Special character of hydrophyte is:
A. Small spiny stem B. Soft and mucilagenous stem
C. Thick and large leaf D. None of the above

263.  Mycorrhiza is an example of:
A. Decomposers B. Endoparasitism
C. Ectoparasitism D. Symbiotic relationship

264.  Humus is present in:
A. Upper soil layer B. Entire solum
C. Horizon B D. Entire top-soil

265.  Endemic plants are those which are:
A. Cosmopolition in distribution B. Restricted to, grow over certain areas
C. Found in arctic region D. Gregarious in habit

266.  Soil formed-after leaching and rich in Al and Fe is
A. Alluvial B. Padsol
C. Laterite D. None of these

267.  Term ecology was given by:
A. Hackel B. Cuvier
C. Reiter D. Malthus

268.  Good soil is:
A. Which allows limited amount of water to be retained into it B. Which allows water to pass through it very quickly
C. Which allows percolation the water slowly from it D. Which holds whole of the water that enters into it

269.  Broad leaved forest oak are found in:
A. Tropical deciduous forest B. Tropical evergreen forest
C. North coniferous forest D. Temperature deciduous forest

270.  In which one of the following habitats does the diurnal temperature of soil surface vary most:
A. Forest B. Desert
C. Grassland D. Shrub land

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