CSS :: Great Economists and Their Work

11.  The Critique of Political Economy, the first fruits of Karl Marx's long painstaking research at the British Museum, appeared in:
A. 1859 B. 1857
C. 1855 D. 1853

12.  The Communist Manifesto, written jointly by Marx and Engel's, was published in:
A. 1843 B. 1848
C. 1853 D. 1859

13.  Who stated explicitly for the first tirr the law of comparative costs?
A. David Ricardo B. Adam Smith
C. James Mill D. Thomas Mun

14.  Identify the school founded by Wilhelm Roscher:
A. Austrian School B. Historical School
C. Ccmbridge School D. Mathematical School

15.  One of the following economists do not belong to the Austrian School. Identify him:
A. J.S. Mill B. Karl Monger
C. F. Von Wieser D. E. von Bohm-Bawerk

16.  Which one of the following theories of trade cycle was propounded by W.S. Jevons?
A. Sunspot Theory B. Monetary Theory
C. Saving-Investment Theory D. Innovation Theory

17.  What was the nationality of Frederic List?
A. American B. German
C. British D. Finnish

18.  "The Purchasing Power Parity Theory" came into prominence in 1916 through the writings of:
A. J.M. Keynes B. L.E.von Miser
C. Gustav Cassel D. F.A. von Hayek

19.  The input-output analysis owes its origin and development to:
A. W.W.Leontief B. R.F.Harrod
C. E.D.Domar D. Alfred Marshall

20.  Who wrote "An Introduction to Positive Economics"?
A. R.G.Lipsey B. Paul A. Samuelson
C. G.B.Richardson D. W.J.Baumol

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