Engineering :: Engineering Mechanics

111.  In actual machines, mechanical advantage is
A. equal to B. less than
C. greater than

112.  A lifting machine lifts a load of 1000N through a distance of 0.2 m by means of an effort of 200N through a distance of 1m. This machine is an ideal one.
A. Right B. Wrong

113.  A machine having an efficiency less than 50%, is known as
A. reversible machine B. non-reversible machine
C. neither reversible nor non-reversible machine D. ideal machine

114.  A machine having an efficiency greater than 50%, is known as
A. reversible machine B. non-reversible machine
C. neither reversible nor non-reversible machine D. ideal machine

115.  A machine which is capable of doing work in the reversed direction, after the effort is re-moved, is called a non-reversible machine.
A. Yes B. No

116.  A machine which is capable of doing any work in the reversed direction, after the effort is removed, is called a reversible machine.
A. True B. False

117.  A non-reversible machine is also called a self-locking machine
A. Agree B. Disagree

118.  A screw jack used for lifting the loads is
A. a reversible machine B. a non-reversible machine
C. an ideal machine D. none of these

119.  A weight of 1000 N can be lifted by an effort of 80 N. If the velocity ratio is 20, the machine is
A. reversible B. non-reversible
C. ideal

120.  For a self locking machine, the efficiency must be
A. equal to 50% B. less than 50%
C. greater than 50% D. 100%

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