Entry Test MCQ :: Organic Chemistry

21.  Crude oil is blackish coloured liquid produced after the decay of organic matter present between
A. earth layer B. mountains
C. sedimentary rocks D. rocks

22.  The precess in which larger molecule with higher molecular weight breaks down into smaller moleucles with lower molecular weight
A. polymerization B. pyrolysis
C. isomerism D. no such process occurs

23.  At low temperature and pressure cracking can be done in presence of catalyst
A. Al2O3 B. Fe2O3
C. Al2O3 and SiO2 D. Fe2O3 and SiO2

24.  The metallic sound produced by engine due to the pre-ignition of fuel is called
A. knocking B. reforming
C. cracking D. a and c

25.  Which one of the following compounds shows intense knocking?
A. n-pentane B. iso-heptane
C. iso-octane D. n-heptane

26.  Which of the following can be used as anti-knocking agent.
A. PbCl2 B. (C2H5)4 Pb
C. (C2H5)2 Pb D. all of the above

27.  Ether functional group can be represented as
A. ?OH B. R-CO-R

28.  Isomerism which is present only in alkene is
A. structural isomerism B. metamerism
C. cis-trans isomerism D. both b and c

29.  A single atom or group of atoms which gives characteristic properties to a compound is called
A. radical B. hydrocarbon
C. functional group D. ion

30.  Compound containing benzene ring in their structure are
A. aliphatic B. aromatic
C. carboxylic acid D. carbohydrates

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