CSS :: Ecology and General Silviculture

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121.  From gross production of autotrophs, according to Lindemann, how much energy in gcal/cm2/year is used in respiration and decomposition respectively:
A. 78.2, 29.3 B. 78.2, 3.5
C. 29.3, 3.5 D. 23.9, 5.3

122.  Which of the following belong to the same trophic level?
A. Yeast and Monotrapa B. Rhizopus and Riccia
C. Ulothrix and Yeast D. All of these

123.  An ecosystem is a structure that is:
A. Always temporary B. Always permanent
C. Either of these D. Rarely permanent

124.  The ecological pyramids were first designed by:
A. Clements B. Kormondy
C. Warming D. Elton

125.  The solar radiations are the sole source of:
A. Energy B. Materials
C. Both (a) & (b) D. Standing state

126.  The pyramid of biomass in a parasitic ecosystem is:
A. Upright B. Inverted
C. Linear D. Rhomboidal

127.  The term omnivore is applied to:
A. Herbivore and carnivore B. Carnivore and detrivore
C. Herbivore and detrivore D. All of these

128.  The term homeostasis in an ecosystem refers to:
A. A feed back mechanism B. A self-regulatory mechanism
C. State of equilibrium D. Influence of production

129.  In a forest ecosystem, the numerical relationship between the producers and herbivores:
A. Producers more than herbivores B. Producers equal to herbivores
C. Producers less than herbivores D. Variable

130.  The gross production minus losses in an ecosystem is indicated as:
A. Net production B. Secondary production
C. Net storage D. Net primary production

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