CSS :: Agronomy

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181.  In a cropping sequence of maize-wheat, moong (summer) the cropping intensity is:
A. 100% B. 200%
C. 300% D. 400%

182.  In a predominantly biological system, mineralization of phosphorus from organic matter of crop residues is dependent on soil _____ activity:
A. Chemical B. Physical
C. Physico-Chemical D. Biological

183.  In a sub-tropical area if the average rainfall is 400-500 mm, which of the following crop is most suitable to cultivate:
A. Poddy B. Maize
C. Sorghum D. Cotton

184.  Which one of the following can be suitably grown as a mixed crop with wheat?
A. Lentil B. Cotton
C. Jowar D. Mustard

185.  In jute growing areas the usual alternate crop is:
A. Sugarcane B. Cotton
C. Rice D. Wheat

186.  In most of the cases field capacity represents the water held at a tension of:
A. 5 atmospheres B. 1/3 atmospheres
C. 2 atmospheres D. 10 atmospheres

187.  Which one is the most critical tag of irrigation in wheat?
A. Tillering B. CRI
C. Jointing D. Flowering

188.  Which of the species of sugarcane is referred as noble cane?
A. Saccharum spontaneum B. Saccharum barberi
C. Saccharum officinarum D. Saccharum sinense

189.  Which of the mulch is best and cheap to minimise wind erosion?
A. Polythene sheet mulch B. Straw mulch
C. Stubble mulch D. Saw dust

190.  In phosphorus and potassium deficient soils, field pea crop should be fertilized with ______ kg/ha of P2O5+K2O, respectively:
A. 30 - 40 + 20 - 30 B. 50 - 60 + 20 - 30
C. 60 - 70 + 30 - 40 D. 50 - 60 + 30 - 40

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