CSS :: Zoology Scope and Origin Of Life

61.  Stanley Miller in his classical experiment on formation of amino acids passed an electric discharge in the mixture of:
A. Steam, Methane, Hydrogen and Ammonia B. Methane, Carbondioxide, Oxygen and Hydrogen
C. Ammonia, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Water D. Methane, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and steam

62.  Karyon is the basis of differentiation in between:
A. Enaima and Anaima B. Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
C. Protista and Monera D. None of these

63.  In his experiment Stanley Miller was successful to demonstrate the formation of amino acids by passing an electric discharge in a mixture of ammonia, water, hydrogen and:
A. Ethane B. Methane
C. Carbon-dioxide D. Ethanol

64.  True Nucleus is absent in bacteria because:
A. The nuclear membrane is absent B. The histones do not form complex with DNA
C. Bacteria lack nuclear membrane and histones D. None of these

65.  According to most accepted theories, the atmosphere of earth before origin of life consisted of a mixture of:
A. Water vapours, Hydrogen, Ammonia and Methaine B. Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Ammonia and Methane
C. Oxygen, Ammonia, Methane and Water D. Ozone, Methane, Oxygen and Water

66.  To prove that organic molecules formed in the primitive ocean were respobsible for origin of life on earth, Millar carried out their synthesis from:
A. CH4, NH3, H2 B. CH4, N2, H2
C. NH3, H2, Water vapours D. NH3, H2, CH4, water vapour

67.  The hard Liithosphere was studded with volcanic eruptions pouring out hot lava. The Nitrogen and Carbon Atoms of atmosphere formed nitrides and Carbides respectively by reacting with metallic atoms of lava. The hot water vapours of atmosphere and carbides reacted to form Methane and water vapours and metallic nitrides reacted to form Ammonia. This statement regarding origin and evolution of organic compounds is:
A. Correct B. Partially wrong
C. Wrong D. None of these

68.  Amino acids, Sugards, Glycerol, Fatty acids, Nitrogen bases etc. formed in the primitive ocean survived because they were neither oxidized nor putrified. The reason were:
A. Absence of oxygen in primitive ocean B. Absence of Bacteria in the environment
C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of these

69.  During the course of time of origin of life, the nucleic acids were formed in the primitive ocean. Certain proteins like histones associated with these nucleic acids to form nucleoproteins which appeared as "Self-duplicating System" by virtue of this property the nucleic acid became capable of performing hereditary function. The statement according to your opinion is:
A. TRUE B. Wrong
C. Partially wrong D. None of these

70.  The coaservates which acquired nucleoproteins became first cellular organisms and their parts later became modified during the course of time due to chemical changes in the nucleic acid is the view of the scientist:
A. Oparin B. Lamarck
C. Darwin D. Aristotle

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