CSS :: Zoology Scope and Origin Of Life

21.  The most recent branch of taxonomy is known as:
A. Cytotaxonomy B. Karyotaxonomy
C. Morphotaxonomy D. Taxidermy

22.  Universe or cosmos began as a dense, red hot, gaseous cloud about:
A. 1-2 billion years ago B. 7-10 billion years ago
C. 7-19 million years ago D. 1-2 million years ago

23.  "Ylem" is term also use for:
A. Cosmos B. Ocean
C. Sun D. Stars

24.  Solar System originated about 4.5-5 billion years ago according to the theory proposed by:
A. Darwin B. Larmarck
C. Kant-Laplace D. None of these

25.  Our earth came into existence about:
A. 4.6 billion years ago B. 3 billion years ago
C. 5 million years ago D. 2 billion years ago

26.  Life originated with the creation of universe and it reached the earth from Sun part of universe is the central idea of:
A. Theory of spontaneous/sudden creation B. Cosmosic Theory
C. Theory of special creation D. Theory of Chemical evolution

27.  Origin of life is now due to:
A. Spontaneous generation B. Will of God
C. Effect of Sunshine on mud D. None of these

28.  Which of the following is likely to have been absent in free form at the time of origin of life:
A. Oxygen B. Methane
C. Nitrogen D. Ammonia

29.  Originally the primitive atmosphere was reducing because:
A. Oxygen was most abundant B. Hydrogen was absent
C. Hydrogen atoms were most abundant and active D. Carbon Atom were most active

30.  Believers of theory of spontaneous generation assumed that:
A. Organisms arose not only from other similar organisms but also spontaneously B. Organisms always arose spontaneously
C. Organisms arose only from air D. Organisms arose only from other similar organism

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