CSS :: Urogenital System

81.  Which of the following statements is best to explain the meiosis:
A. It is essential for sexual reproduction B. It eliminates occurrence of mutations
C. It alternates with mitosis from generation to generation D. It ensures transfer of same genetic complement from one to next generation

82.  During fertilization two cells fuse, yet blastomeres of the zygote contain the same number of chromosomes as in all cells because:
A. Meiosis occurs during cleavage B. Chromosomes are absent in sperms
C. Meiosis occurs during gamete formation D. Parthenogenesis occurs during gametogenesis

83.  Which of the following has haploid number of chromosomes:
A. Bacteria B. Sperms and ova
C. Zygote D. All of these

84.  Ovulation in mammals is a process which means:
A. Release of eggs from graffian follicles B. Release of egg from fallopian tube
C. Passage of egg through fimbriated funnel of fallopian tube D. Passage of unfertilized egg out of female's body

85.  How many secondary spermatocytes will be required to form 200 spermatozoa:
A. 25 B. 50
C. 75 D. 100

86.  Formation of polar bodies occurs:
A. Only during spermatogenesis B. Only during oogenesis
C. During both of these D. During none of these

87.  How many primary oocytes will form 100 ova:
A. 25 B. 50
C. 75 D. 100

88.  Cowper's glands in mammals secrete a substance to:
A. Neutralize acidity B. Nourish sperms
C. Kill pathogens D. Perform all these functions

89.  Viviparity is found in:
A. Frog B. Lizard
C. Snake D. Rabbit

90.  Uterus masculines in man is remainant of:
A. Functional embryonic kidney B. Embryonic mullerian duct
C. Embryonic an wolffiduct D. None of these

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