CSS :: Urogenital System

61.  Uterus masculinus in male rabbit lies at the junction of:
A. Vas deferns and prostate gland B. Prostate gland and Cowper's glands
C. Epididymis and vas deferns D. Testis and vas deferens

62.  Hypertrophy of prostate gland causes:
A. Blockade of urine B. More formation of semen
C. Early maturation of sperms D. None of these

63.  Cells of Sertoli are found in the:
A. Islets of Langerhans and secrete insulin B. Walls of the right auricle and conduct waves of contraction
C. Testes of rabbit nourish sperms D. Stomach of rabbit and product HCI

64.  Young girls at puberty begin to develop breasts which is an example of:
A. Sexual growth B. Metamorphosis
C. Appearance of primitive characters D. Artificial selection

65.  Graffian follicles are found in the:
A. Ovary of frog B. Overy of mammal
C. Testis of frog D. Testis of mammal

66.  Penis in the rabbit is made up of:
A. Corpus spongiosum B. Two columns of corpora cavernosa
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

67.  Germinal cells belong to:
A. Cuboidal epithelium B. Columnar epithelium
C. Squamous epithelium D. Sensory epithelium

68.  Lining of Bowman's capsule in rabbit is formed of:
A. Squamous flattened cells B. Cuboidal cells
C. Columnar cells D. Ciliated cells

69.  Cells lining Bowman's capsule in the rabbit are called:
A. Podocytes B. Cumulus oophorous
C. Graffian follicle D. Lamina propria

70.  A graffian follicle in mammals is made of:
A. Cumulus cophorous with oocyte B. Stratum granulosum
C. Antrum folliculi with liquor folliculi D. All of these

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