CSS :: Phylum Protozoa

71.  Resultants of schiziogony in malarial parasite are:
A. Merozoites B. Schizonts
C. Sporozoites D. Ookinetes

72.  Stage of Plasmodium occurring in human liver cells is:
A. Erythrocytic cycle B. Pre-erythrocytic cycle
C. Gamogony D. Sporogony

73.  During unfavourable conditions, the Amoeba reproduces by:
A. Sporulation B. Binary fission
C. Conjugation D. Endomexis

74.  Defensive organelles in Paramecium are which of these:
A. Trichocysts B. Nematocysts
C. Sporocysts D. Oocysts

75.  Mode of nutrition of Paramecium is:
A. Holozic B. Holophytic
C. Saprozoic D. Saprophytic

76.  Stage of Plasmodium infective to man is transmitted by:
A. Innuculation of female anopheles B. Innuculation of male anopheles
C. Innuculation of male culex D. Innuculation of female culex

77.  Stage of Plasmodium infective to primary host is transmitted by secondary host in form of:
A. Sporozoite B. Schizont
C. Ookinete D. Merozoite

78.  Ookinete is the name of zygote of:
A. Plasmodium B. Entamoeba
C. Leishmania D. None of these

79.  Hw many amoebae are formed by a cyst of Entamoeba histolytica:
A. Two B. Four
C. Eight D. One

80.  Entamoeba histolytica differs from Amoeba is not having a:
A. Nucleus B. Food vacuole
C. Contractile vacuole D. None of these

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