CSS :: Phylum Protozoa

51.  Which of these is not used for malarial test:
C. ELISA D. None of these

52.  Water current drawn by Paramecium with the vestibular cilia is:
A. Vortex B. Cortex
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

53.  Sleeping sickness' is caused by:
A. Entamoeba B. Plasmodium
C. Trypanosoma D. None of these

54.  Sleeping sickness' is caused by:
A. Trypanosoma gambiense B. T.cruzi
C. T.bruci D. None of these

55.  Changas disease' is caused by:
A. T.gambiense B. T.cruzi
C. T.rhodesiense D. None of these

56.  Meganucleus of paramecium is meant for:
A. Reproduction B. Metabolic and vegetative functions
C. Behaviour control D. None of these

57.  Kala-azar' is caused by:
A. Leishmania B. Trypanosoma
C. Entamoeba D. None of these

58.  Sporogony in Plasmodium involves repeated divisions of:
A. Zygote in mosquito to produce numerous sporozoites B. Sprozoites in man to produce numerous gametes
C. Zygote in mosquito to form many merozoites D. Zygote in man to form numerous sporozoites

59.  Amoeba excretes by:
A. Contractile vacuole B. Plasmalemma
C. Pseudopodia D. None of these

60.  What is common between Trypanosoma, honey bee and physalia:
A. All have glagella B. All have polymorphism
C. All have coelenteron D. None of these

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