CSS :: Phylum Porifera

71.  Cleavage in Leucosolenia is:
A. Holoblastic B. Meroblastic
C. Chromocytes D. None of these

72.  Large amoebocytes in leucosolenia are called:
A. Archaeocytes B. Collencytes
C. Chromocytes D. None of these

73.  Which of the cells of Leucosolenia work like muscle cells of vertebrates:
A. Myocytes B. Collencytes
C. Thesocytes D. None of these

74.  In Scypha the prosophyles are formed by:
A. Porocytes B. Desmocytes
C. Myocytes D. Thesocytes

75.  Cells loaded with food material in sponges are:
A. Trophocytes B. Collencytes
C. Thesocytes D. None of these

76.  Cells picking up food from choanocytes are called:
A. Phagocytes B. Thesocytes
C. Collencytes D. None of these

77.  Which of these cells have reserve food materials:
A. Thesocytes B. Collencytes
C. Chromocytes D. None of these

78.  Star-shaped cells which connect various cells are called:
A. Collencytes B. Chromocytes
C. Thesocytes D. None of these

79.  Which part of sponge body is very sensitive:
A. Osculum B. Ostia
C. Spongocoel D. None of these

80.  Fertilization in Leucosolenia is:
A. Cross fertlization B. Self fertilization
C. Both of these D. None of these

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