CSS :: Phylum Porifera

31.  A sponge differs with other metazoa in having:
A. Several mouthlets and one opening B. Nerve cells
C. Absence of blood D. None of these

32.  Gemmules are formed for:
A. Asexual reproduction B. Sexual reproduction
C. Body growth D. Digestion

33.  Leucosolenia is:
A. Sessile, colonial and fresh water form B. Sessile, colonial and marine form
C. Sessile, solitary and marine D. Free living solitary and marine

34.  If carmine particles are placed in close association of living sponge, the these will:
A. Be sucked into spongocoel B. Remain where they are
C. Be carried away from osculum D. Rotate in a circle around osculum

35.  Locomotion does not occur in:
A. Earthworm B. Leucosolenia
C. Maggot of house fly D. Amoeba

36.  Gemmule formation in sponges is helpful in:
A. A sexual reproduction B. Asexual reproduction
C. Only dissemination D. None of these

37.  Canal system of Leucosolenia is:
A. Asconoid B. Syconoid
C. Leuonoid D. Rhagon type

38.  Which of these canal systems is found in Scypha:
A. Syconoid B. Asconoid
C. Leuconoid D. None of these

39.  Canal system in Euplectella is:
A. Asconoid B. Syconoid
C. Leuconoid D. None of these

40.  Porocytes are specialized cells for the passage of:
A. Incoming water current and are located in the body wall of sponges B. Excretory products and are located inside the body of flat-worms
C. Outgoing water current and are located on the top of sponge D. None of these

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