CSS :: Phylum Porifera

11.  Canal system is characteristic of:
A. Sponges B. Coelentrates
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

12.  Habitat of sponges is:
A. Mostly marine B. Mostly fresh water
C. Terrestrial D. None of these

13.  Fresh water sponges belong to the family:
A. Arcellinidae B. Spongillidae
C. Choristidae D. Asconidae

14.  A sponge can be distinguished from other animals by the presence of:
A. Hollow body B. Dermal papillae
C. Coelenteron D. Choanocytes

15.  Pinacocytes are found in the body of
A. Sponges B. Snails
C. Rabbits D. Hydras

16.  The cavity common to all types of canal systems is:
A. Incurrent canal B. Excurrent canal
C. Radial chamber D. Spongocoel

17.  Sponges possess:
A. Epithelial tissue only B. No tissues
C. Epithelial and connective tissues D. All four types of tissues

18.  Tissues are not found in:
A. Corals B. Sponges
C. Jelly-fishes D. Star-fishes

19.  Flagellated cells in sponges are called:
A. Choanocytes B. Pinacocytes
C. Porocytes D. Thesocytes

20.  Sponges are characterized by the presence of:
A. Canal system B. Choanocytes
C. One exit and many mouthlets D. All of these characters

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