CSS :: Phylum Plathelminthes

41.  Ayeraza' disease is caused by:
A. Schistomsoma B. Fasciola
C. Taenia D. None of these

42.  In which of these the male lodges several females in a gynaecophoric canal:
A. Blood-fluke B. Liver-fluke
C. Tape-worm D. None of these

43.  Lung-fluke is:
A. Fasciola hepatica B. Tenia solium
C. Paragonimus D. None of these

44.  Intermediate host for Taenia saginata is:
A. Buffalo B. Cattle
C. Pig D. Buffalo and Cattle

45.  Blood-flukes are:
A. Monoecious B. Dioecious
C. Bisexual D. Hermaphrodite

46.  The common character amongst liver-fluke, tape-worm and planarians is:
A. Presence of coelom B. Flattened body
C. Alimentary canal D. None of these

47.  Body is unsegmented in:
A. Fasciola B. Tenia
C. Earthworm D. Cockroach

48.  Which one is primary host for tape-worm:
A. Man B. Pig
C. Buffalo D. Crab

49.  The study is called _______
A. Histology B. Entomology
C. Ornithology D. None of these

50.  One of the effects of infection of Taenia in man is:
A. Eruptions in the body B. Irritation in gut
C. Loss of appetite D. Scabiasis

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