CSS :: Phylum Plathelminthes

21.  Which of these stages in life cycle of Fasciola hepatica is infective to secondary host:
A. Miracidium B. Cercaria
C. Metacercaria D. None of these

22.  Which of these larva of liver-fluke is provided with cilia, epidermal plates, eye spots and penetration glands:
A. Cercaria B. Metacercaria
C. Miracidium D. Sporocyst

23.  Which of these larva has rounded body, long tail, well developed alimentary canal:
A. Miracidium B. Cercaria
C. Metcercaria D. None of these

24.  Infective stage of liver-fluke for primary host is:
A. Miracidium B. Aporocyst
C. Redia D. Metacercaria

25.  Intestinal tape-worms obtain their nutrition by:
A. Ingesting food particles through suckers B. Scrapping food particles from into omyrdyomr pg jpdy eoyj jppld
C. Prepare their own food D. Absorbs liquid food through their environment

26.  Anaerbic respiration occurs in:
A. Liver-fluke and tape-worms B. Annelids
C. Molluscs and echinoderms D. None of these

27.  Primary host for Taenia solium is man but secondary host is:
A. Cow B. Buffalo
C. Pig D. Mosquito

28.  Body of a tape-worm is divided into many:
A. Segments B. Proglottids
C. Metameres D. None of these

29.  The division of body into numerous, serial small structures is called:
A. Segmentation B. Strobilation
C. Metameres D. None of these

30.  All the proglottids in a tape-worm contain:
A. Immature reproductive organs B. Mature reporductive organs
C. Anterior 200 with immature reproductive organs, middle 200-400 with mature reproductive organs and posterior 200 with only eggs in uterus D. None of these

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