CSS :: Phylum Plathelminthes

11.  Fasciola is:
A. Monecious B. Dioecious
C. Unisexual D. None of these

12.  Anus is absent in:
A. Fasciola B. Earthworm
C. Cockroach D. House-fly

13.  Alimentary canal is absent in:
A. Tape-worm B. Liver-fluke
C. Coakroach D. House-fly

14.  Which of these systems are not found in liver-fluke and tape-work:
A. Digestive system B. Respiratory system
C. Circulatory system D. Respiratory and circulatory system

15.  Spaces between inner organs in liver-fluke are occupied by:
A. Parenchyma B. Mesogloea
C. Botryoidal tissue D. None of these

16.  Testes is Fasciola are:
A. One pair and placed side by side B. One pair and tandemn
C. Two pairs and highly branched D. Two pairs, highly branched and tandemn

17.  Ootype in liver-fluke is formed:
A. At the junction of oviduct and common vitelline duct B. At the junction of vasa deferentia and seminal vesicle
C. At the junction of two longitudinal vitelline ducts D. At none of these palces

18.  Shell in the eggs of liver-fluke and tapeworm is secreted by:
A. Vitelline glands B. Mehli's glands
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

19.  Laurer's canal in liver-fluke is associated with:
A. Digestive system B. Respiratory system
C. Circulatory system D. Reproductive system

20.  A Fasciola lays about which of these number of eggs in life time:
A. 1 lac B. 1 - 2 lac
C. 2 - 5 lac D. Over 10 lac

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