CSS :: Phylum Annelida

41.  Earthworms are:
A. Vectors B. Parasites
C. Free living D. Commensals

42.  Leeches are:
A. Ectoparasites B. Commesals
C. Endoparasites D. None of these

43.  Leeches have suckers at:
A. Anterior end only B. Posterior end only
C. Anterior and posterior both ends D. None of these

44.  Leeches feed upon:
A. Soil B. Blood from man and attles
C. Flesh D. None of these

45.  Earthworms live:
A. In the soil B. In the water
C. As ectoparasites D. As endoparasites

46.  Earthworms are beneficial for human begins because:
A. They provide food B. They increase in fertility of soil
C. They kill bacteria D. They kill insects

47.  Earthworms increase fertility of soil by:
A. Killing bacteria B. Adding nitrogenous wastes
C. Turning over the soil D. By burrowing

48.  Excretory organs in earthworm are:
A. Nephridia B. Body wall
C. Flame cells D. None of these

49.  Generic name pheretima was given by:
A. Linnaeus B. Sutton
C. Lamarck D. Kinberg

50.  Pheretima belongs to class:
A. Oligochaeta B. Polychaeta
C. Hirudinea D. None of these

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