CSS :: Evolution Of Man

51.  Ramapithecus was found in:
A. Miocene B. Oligocene
C. Pliocene D. Pleistocene

52.  Neanderthal man was:
A. More developed than modern man B. Less developed than modern man
C. Having more cranial capacity than modern man D. Having too small brain than modern man

53.  Homo erectus differed from Homo sapiens fossilis in:
A. Having protruded jaws B. Having receding jaws
C. Being able to draw pictures of animals D. Being capable of making well developed tools and weapons

54.  Which of the following statements is true for Homo sapiens:
A. The canines are large B. Cranial capacity is 1450cc
C. Toes are opposable D. Chin is receding

55.  Which among the following is the closest relation of modern man:
A. Pongo B. Pan
C. Hylobates D. Sinanthropus

56.  Homo erectus erectus is considered to have existed in:
A. China only B. Java only
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

57.  The prehistoric ancestor of man existing during Pleistocene era was:
A. Australopithecus B. Zinjanthropus
C. Neanderthal man D. Atlantic man

58.  One of the following fossils possessing a cranial capacity almost equal to or even slightly larger than modern man is:
A. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis B. Homo erectus pekinensis
C. Homo erectus erectus D. Australopithecus

59.  In which of the following series has the evolution of man occurred :
A. Fish - amphibian - reptile - man B. Fish - amphibian - bird - man
C. Insect - fish - bird - man D. Fish - reptile - bird - man

60.  Coloured rock-paintings were first done by:
A. Neanderthal man B. Cro-Magnon man
C. Java man D. Peking man

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