CSS :: Digestive System Physiology

81.  Relaxation of sphincter of Oddi will bring release of:
A. Bile jucie B. Pancreatic jucie
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

82.  Saliva cleans buccal cavity and also kills bacteria due to the presence of:
A. Ptyalin in it B. Thiocyanate and lysozyme in it
C. Mucus in it D. None of these

83.  Ptyalin present in saliva acts in:
A. Alkaline medium B. Neutral medium
C. Slightly acidic medium D. All of these media

84.  Ptyalin is secreted by:
A. Stomach B. Salivary glands
C. Liver D. Pancreas

85.  Number of salivary glands in man approximately:
A. One and half crore B. Two and half crore
C. Three and half crore D. Four and half crore

86.  In stomach the pH of the food is changed from:
A. 1.0-3.5 B. 4.5-7.5
C. 6.8-8.0 D. 8.0-10.0

87.  Hormone initiating secretion of gastric juice is:
A. Rennin B. Gastrin
C. Secretin D. Enterokinase

88.  Inhibition of gastric juice secretion is done by a hormone from duodenal mucosa, the name of this hormone is:
A. Secretin B. Gastrin
C. Enterogasterone D. Enterokinase

89.  Pyloric valve activity is controlled by:
A. Gastrin B. Pepsin
C. Rennin D. None of these

90.  Casein is milk:
A. Protein digested by rennin in the stomach B. Bacterium that coagulates milk
C. Enzyme in the stomach that digests carbohydrate D. Hormone that stimulates release of gastric juice

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