CSS :: Digestive System Physiology

41.  Which of these is useful to RBCs formation:
A. Tocopherol B. Thiamine and biotin
C. Folic acid and cyanacobalamine D. Ergocalciferol

42.  Cheilosis and beri-beri are caused respectively due to deficiencies of:
A. Vitamin B2 and B1 B. Vitamin B2 and B6
C. Vitamin B6 and B12 D. Vitamin B1 and B6

43.  Which of these is also called vitamin B2
A. Riboflavin B. Tiamine
C. Biotin D. Niacin

44.  Pellagra, commonly called 3-Ds disease in medical world (dermatistis, diarrhoea and dementia) is caused due to deficiency of:
A. Niacin (nicotinic acid) B. Riboflavin
C. Cyanacobalamine D. Pyridoxine

45.  Vitamins are named so by:
A. Kuhn B. Funk
C. Grijns D. Florkin

46.  Deficiency of vitamin A in our body would lead to:
A. Rickets B. Beri-beri
C. Scurvy D. Night blindness

47.  Vitamin B works as:
A. An enzyme B. A coenzyme
C. A hormone D. A pheromone

48.  Role of vitamin K in our body is to help in:
A. Carbohydrate metabolism B. Regulation of calcium and phosphorous metabolism
C. RBC formation D. Blood clotting

49.  Which of these is essential for coagulation of blood in our body:
A. Phylloquinone B. Retinol
C. Ergocalciferol D. Biotin

50.  A child showing poor body and retarded mental growth is suffering from:
A. Kwasiorkor B. Marasmus
C. Cheilosis D. Beri-beri

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