CSS :: Cell Division

21.  How many mitotic divisions are required to make 256 daughter nuclei:
A. 8 B. 16
C. 32 D. 64

22.  Which of these plays important role in cell division in animal cell:
A. Centriole B. Mitochondria
C. Golgi complex D. None of these

23.  Chromosomes during metaphase:
A. Occupy equatorial position B. Are not yet ready to divide
C. Assemble at one end of spindle D. Occupy any place in spindle

24.  Movement of chromosomes during anphase is:
A. Dependent on association of spindle fibres with kinetochore B. Independent of spindle fibres
C. Due to streaming of cytoplasm D. Due to excess of ATP formed in mitochondria

25.  Chromosomes are composed of:
A. DNA only B. Proteins only
C. DNA + Proteins D. RNA only

26.  For mitotic division the DNA is:
A. Subdivided B. Replicated
C. Left unaffected D. Reduced to half

27.  Some of microtubules of spindle attaching to centromeres of chromosomes are called:
A. Chromosomal fibres B. Continous fibres
C. Interchromosomal fibres D. None of these

28.  Continuous fibres in spindle are those which connect:
A. One centriole with other and attached pole to pole B. Centromeres of chromosomes with spindle
C. Centrioles with spindle and also the poles D. None of these

29.  Some microtubules in spindle which remain attached to spindle and also to the poles are called:
A. Interchromosomal fibres B. Chromosomal fibres
C. Continuous fibres D. None of these

30.  Which of these changes mark the tolophase in mitosis:
A. Chromosomes reaching poles and become thread like B. Nucleolus start reappearing and nuclear membrane reappears
C. Both of these changes D. None of these changes

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