CSS :: Animal Tissues

71.  Elastic pads at articular ends of long bones are formed of:
A. Hyaline cartilage B. Muscles
C. Ligaments D. Tendons

72.  Hardest connective tissue in our body is:
A. Nerve B. Bone
C. Muscle D. None of these

73.  Chondrin is found in the matrix of:
A. Muscle B. Nerve fibre
C. Bone D. Cartilage

74.  Chondrin is made up of:
A. Chondrotin sulphate + mucoprotein B. Chondrotin sulphate + lipids
C. Chondrotin sulphate + calcium salts D. None of these

75.  Chondrin is transleuscent and pearly white/bluish in:
A. Fibro cartilage B. Hyaline cartilage
C. Elastic cartilage D. Calcified cartilage

76.  Rings of trachea and hyoid are made up of:
A. Fibro cartilage B. Elastic cartilage
C. Hyaline cartilage D. None of these

77.  Our body becomes bit taller during sleep or after death because:
A. White fibrous cartilage present on intervertebral discs contract during sleep B. White fibrous cartilage present on intervertebral discs relax during sleep and after death
C. Muscles of our body relax and increase body length D. Of some other reason

78.  Ear pinnae, epiglottis and bronchiolar cartilages are:
A. Hyaline B. Fibro
C. Yellow elastic D. None of these

79.  A bone kept in 10% KOH solution for three days will:
A. Become soft and elastic B. Dissolve in it
C. Remain unchanged D. Will crack down

80.  Bones are joined to bones with the help of:
A. Tendons B. Ligaments
C. Both of these D. None of these

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