CSS :: Animal Tissues

51.  In our body the ciliated epithelium is found in:
A. Trachea, neurocoel of central nervous system and oviducts B. Vagina, ureters and loop of henle
C. Bile duct, small intestine and stomach D. Pancreatic duct, eustachian tube, vagine and buccal cavity

52.  Which of the following substances secreted by Mast cells of arreolar tissue is anticoagulant:
A. Heparin B. Serotonin
C. Histamine D. None of these

53.  One of the following substances acts as a vasoconstrictor to arrest bleeding and also to increase blood pressure is:
A. Heparin B. Serotonin
C. Histamine D. None of these

54.  Which of the following cells of areolar tissue form antibodies:
A. Mast cells B. Macrophages
C. Plasma cells D. Fibrocytes

55.  Areolar tissue is found:
A. Throughout the body under skin and epithelia, in between and around the muscles B. Around the nerves, blood vessels and between lobules of compound glands
C. In the submucosa of gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, omenta and mesenteries D. In all of these structures

56.  Main functions of areolar tissue are:
A. To bind body parts and facilitate the movements of epithelia, muscles etc. B. To help in diffusion of metabolites and other substances
C. To help in vibration of wandering cells to the sites of infection and repair D. All of these

57.  White fibres are made up of:
A. Collagen B. Elastin
C. Reticulin D. None of these

58.  In tanning which of the following fibres are treated with salts of heavy metals:
A. Collagen B. Elastin
C. Both of these D. None of these

59.  Ligaments and tendons are made up of:
A. Collagen fibres B. Elastin fibres
C. Areolar tissue D. Adipose tissue

60.  Ligamentum nuchae found in the neck of quadrupeds is example of:
A. White fibrous tissue B. Yellow elastic tissue
C. Both of these D. None of these

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