CSS :: Social Interaction

91.  Which one of the following is not true of caste system?
A. Status of a person is decided by his birth. B. Caste decides code of behaviour.
C. Caste has punitive power. D. caste does not touch the problem of taboos.

92.  Which one of the following is not true characteristic of caste system?
A. It is based on hierarchical system. B. Religion has nothing to do with caste.
C. That certain castes are purer than others.

93.  Which one of the following does not apply to caste system?
A. People have certain fixed habits. B. Interaction between castes is unlimited.
C. None of above

94.  Which one of the following is not the characteristic of caste system?
A. Mixing with other casts is forbidden B. People belonging to lower castes do not mix among themselves.
C. There are water-tight caste compartment.

95.  Which one of the following is not the characteristic of caste system?
A. People belonging to different castes suffer from religious disabilities. B. They are allowed to perform religious ceremonies at public places.
C. They enjoy limited civic facilities.

96.  Which one of the following is not true of caste system?
A. In it there is no need to change the occupation. B. In a caste there is wide competition.
C. In matrimonial alliances it plays a big role.

97.  Which one of the following is not true of caste system?
A. Person finds his place on the basis of his ability. B. It is a narrow area.
C. One gets one's social place on the basis of heredity.

98.  Which one of the following is not true about caste system?
A. One cannot change caste. B. It is a very narrow area.
C. There is class consciousness among the members of the caste.

99.  Which one of the following is not true in the caste system?
A. There are no occupational limitations on its members. B. It believes in haman inequality.
C. None of above

100.  Which one of the following is true about caste system?
A. It stands on the way of democracy. B. There are no restrictions on its members.
C. Members are comparatively free in matters of marriage.

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