CSS :: Cultural change and Social Policy

81.  Whenever the nature of the choice is such that one cannot have both the new and old, the acceptance of the
A. old is usually delayed B. new is usually delayed
C. both are delayed

82.  Change is nearly always
A. costly B. simple
C. None of these

83.  Most innovations require some
A. modification of the existing culture B. parameters
C. None of these

84.  Most social changes carry a threat to some vested interests who then oppose these changes are
A. real B. imaginary
C. both a and b

85.  Change agent must know the
A. culture in which he works B. political environment of country
C. economic condition

86.  Many change agents are
A. deviants B. same
C. None of these

87.  Ogburn has compiled a list of
A. 150 social changes B. 170 social changes
C. 100 social changes

88.  Ogburn distinguishes
A. three forms of social effects B. four forms of social effects
C. five forms of social effects

89.  Culture is
A. interrelated B. not related
C. separate effect

90.  Changes in one aspect of the culture is invariably
A. effect other aspects of the culture. B. not effect other aspects of the culture.
C. not related to other aspects of culture.

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