CSS :: Cultural change and Social Policy

21.  Process of social cultural change.
A. Discovery and invention B. Discovery and diffusion
C. Discovery, invention, diffusion

22.  Which of the following is not process of social cultural change?
A. Discovery B. Invention
C. Scientific experiment D. Diffusion

23.  Which of the following is process of social cultural change?
A. Research B. Scientific experiment
C. Diffusion D. Analysis

24.  "Diffusion" is
A. new use of existing knowledge. B. spread of cultural trait from group to group.
C. combination of two or more cultures.

25.  Diffusion is
A. continuous process B. unlimited process
C. selective process D. None of these

26.  Diffusion takes place whenever
A. societies come into contact. B. societies apart from each other.
C. one person lives in other country.

27.  "Cause" means
A. phenomenon which is both necessary and sufficient to produce a predictable effect. B. new combination.
C. something happen.

28.  Factors in social change are predominately
A. social and culture B. biological
C. geographic

29.  Race is sometime taken as synonymous of
A. culture B. language
C. national

30.  The term race is applied to group of people
A. professing same religion B. speaking same language
C. having different living standards

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