CSS :: The State

81.  Who said: "A state is that agency in a society that is authorised to exercise coercive control within a territory".
A. MaclIver B. Anderson and Parker
C. Durkheim D. Max Weber

82.  How is the change in government in modern states carried out?
A. Through violence and bloodshed B. Through elections and smooth transfer of power
C. Through compromise and electoral adjustments among the competing forces D. By bringing all aspects of life to a standstill

83.  Who said "I am the State"
A. James II of England B. Napoleon I of France
C. Louis XIV of France D. Hitler of Germany

84.  Who of the following first of all propounded the organic theory of state?
A. Machiavelli B. Plato
C. Marx D. Herbert Spencer

85.  The organic theory of state holds:
A. The state is the result of a social contract B. The state is a divine creation
C. The state is the result of force D. The state is a living organism, rather a living spiritual being

86.  Who said "The state is prior to the individual just as a whole is prior to its parts":
A. Herbert Spencer B. Laski
C. Karl Marx D. Aristotle

87.  The state is primarily a:
A. Social association B. Economic association
C. Political association D. Socio-economic-cum-political association

88.  Which one of the following statements is associated with Aristotle?
A. The state is an association of families and their common possessions, governed by a supreme power and by reason. B. The state is a union of families and villages having for its end a perfect and self-sufficing life.
C. The state is a particular portion of mankind viewed as an organized unit D. The state is a politically organised community with a definite territory.

89.  The term 'state' as drawn from the word 'status' was for the first time used by:
A. The Greeks B. The Germans
C. The Teutons D. The Romans

90.  Which group of the following thinkers emphasised the legal notion of state?
A. Aristotle, Plato, Hobbes and Bentham B. Bodin, Hobbes, Bentham and Laski
C. Bodin, Austin, Hobbes, Bentham D. Aristotle, Austin, Laki and Hobbes

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