CSS :: The State

21.  Which of the following is not true about the state and society?
A. State does not have all aspects of life but society does B. Society came prior to state
C. Both have no territorial jurisdictions D. State has sovereignty whereas society does not possess it

22.  Which of the following is not true about the state and Governemtn?
A. Loyalty to both is most essential B. State has one whereas Government has several forms
C. State is more compreensive than the Government D. None of the above

23.  Which one of the following methods for the study of problems of State of his times was used by Aristotle?
A. Inductive B. Deductive
C. Philosophical D. Comparative

24.  Which of the following is not true about state and association?
A. Membership of state is compulsory whereas that of the other is not B. Membership of the state cannot be left whereas that of the association can be
C. State has fixed territory whereas association has not D. Both the state and the association are permanent bodies

25.  About the state and study of political problems the Behaviouralists believe:
A. Scope of state activity is narrow B. For studying poliitical problem approach may be disciplinary
C. State should not interfere in social life of the people D. Inter-disciplinary approach should be followed

26.  Which of the following is true about scope of the activity as compared with the society?
A. It is broader B. It is identical
C. There is no comparison between the two D. It is narrower

27.  City States' were common in ancient:
A. Greece B. Rome
C. Pakistan D. China

28.  In our modern times trend is towards:
A. Nation state B. City state
C. State with small population D. State with small areas

29.  Plato who elaborately dealt with stae belonged to:
A. Egypt B. India
C. Greece D. Rome

30.  In order to write 'Politics' which deals with state, Aristotle compared :
A. 157 Constitutions B. 158 Constitutions
C. 159 Constitutions D. 160 Constitutions
E. 61 Constitution    

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