CSS :: Liberalism

61.  The chief exponent of Liberalism in England was:
A. Hobbes B. Locke
C. Bentham D. Hegel

62.  In the political shpere liberalism pleaded for:
A. Compulsory education B. Freedom of thought and expression
C. State control of the means of production and distribution D. Right to property

63.  In the economic sphere the liberal thinkers stood for:
A. System of monopolies B. Laissez faire
C. State regulation D. Large scale production

64.  Liberalism as a philosophy is based on the principle of:
A. Expediency B. Reason
C. Blind faith D. Moral upliftment

65.  Liberalism found its most detailed and lucid expression in the writings of:
A. Hobbes B. Locke
C. Rousseau D. None of the above

66.  The classical liberals stood for:
A. Ending all hereditary advantages B. Permitting the hereditary advantage unhindered
C. Curtailing the hereditary advantages D. None of the above

67.  The classical liberals believed that:
A. Strong nations had a right to dominate the weak nations B. No nation had the right to exploit the otherThe rich nations must help the poor nations to eliminate international tension
C. Poor nations must join hands to protect themselves against the rich nations

68.  The classical liberals stood for:
A. Equal rights for all B. Special rights for educated persons
C. Special rights for propertied classes D. Special rights for women

69.  The classical liberals pleaded for economic liberty for:
A. The poor B. The rich
C. The middle classes D. All the classes

70.  The liberal thinkers of the nineteenth century considered state as:
A. A welfare agency B. A necessary evil
C. A preserver of liberty D. An instrument of exploitation

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