CSS :: Aristotle

51.  Which of the following terms means government by the few?
A. Aristocracy B. Oligarchy
C. Timocracy D. Patriarchy

52.  What was the occupation of Aristotle's father?
A. Physician B. Philosopher
C. General D. Chemist

53.  Where did Aristotle perform his early biology research?
A. Assos B. Athens
C. Mitylene D. Stagira

54.  Which state ruled Greece for most of Aristotle's adult life?
A. Athens B. Thebes
C. Macedonia D. Sparta

55.  Why did Aristotle write dialogues early in his career?
A. They were the best way to convey information B. No one else was writing straightforward treatises
C. He was interested in the exchange process rather than the doctrine itself D. He was following Plato's model

56.  How many children did Aristotle have?
A. One B. Two
C. Three D. Four

57.  On which work of Plato's is Eudemus largely based?
A. The Republic B. Symposium
C. Phaedo D. Gorgias

58.  Which friend of Aristotle died after being tortured for information by the Persians?
A. Xenocrates B. Hermeias
C. Eudemus D. Speusippus

59.  What were members of Aristotle's Lyceum known as?
A. Rationalists B. Skeptics
C. Cynics D. Peripatetics

60.  According to Aristotle, which pair of words is analogous to matter ::form?
A. Essence :: being B. Susstance :: substrate
C. Potentiality :: actuality D. Cause :: effect

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