Engineering :: Industrial Engineering

31.  In which operation the horse power required to remove one cubic centimetre of material (soft steel) per minute under average conditions will be maximum
A. Turning B. Shaping
C. Drilling D. Milling
E. Grinding    

32.  The binding material in diamond tools is
A. Cobalt B. Graphite
C. Carbon D. Cement
E. None of the above    

33.  Which of the following tools can be turned at maximum speed?
A. Carbon steel B. High speed steel
C. Carbide tools D. Sintered carbide tools
E. Diamonds    

34.  If the life of high speed steel tools is taken as 100% the life of cemented carbide tools will be
A. 30 to 50 percent B. 50 to 20 percent
C. 80 to 130 percent D. 100 to 150 percent
E. 300 to 1000 percent    

35.  Real wages represent
A. The purchase power of money wages B. The total wages camed including perquisites
C. The gross wages carned by an employee D. The net take home wages
E. Wages inclusive of fringe benefits    

36.  Which of the following is not an incentive plan
A. Halsey plan B. Taylor, 100% incentive plan
C. Gantt plan D. Rowan plan
E. Standard plan    

37.  Which of the following is indirect cost?
A. Cost of raw material B. cost of machining
C. Power consumption in fabrication D. Training for job
E. None of the above    

38.  Systematic apratisal of each job in the organisation to determine its comparative value, is known as
A. Standardisation B. Incentive plan
C. Regularisation D. Job evaluation
E. Job specification    

39.  Which of the following is a disciplinary action:
A. Promotion B. Transfer
C. Separation D. Suspension
E. Training    

40.  Exit interviews
A. Are interviews hel outside the factory premises B. Are interviews of the persons working in plant, conducted outside the factory premises, to know about any grivances
C. Are interviews held during lockout or strike period D. Are interviews held with employees intending to leave an organisation
E. Are interviews orally conducted and never brought on rocords    

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