Engineering :: Industrial Engineering

21.  The basic tool in work study is
A. Process chart B. Planning chart
C. Bar chart D. Stop watch
E. Shop layout    

22.  A product layout is generally suggested for
A. Jobbing work B. Batch production
C. Efficien, machine utilization criteria D. Continuous production
E. All of the above    

23.  A process layout is generally suggested for
A. Jobbing work B. Batch production
C. Planned production D. Discontinuous production
E. None of the above    

24.  Standard followed in Germany are known as
A. ASTM standards B. DIN standards
C. ISI standards D. GOST standards
E. UNI standards    

25.  UNI standards are followed in
A. India B. Indonesia
C. Italy D. America
E. France    

26.  The standards followed in Russia are known as
A. JIS standards B. AFNOR standards
C. TASS standards D. GOST standards
E. None of the above    

27.  For standardisation of steel, the series used in British standards is known as
A. A series B. AB series
C. S series D. En-series
E. There is no such series in British standards    

28.  PERT analysis is based on
A. Optimistic time B. Pessimistic time
C. Most likely time D. All of the above
E. None of the above    

29.  To obtain solution of material problem so that the cost of handling will be minimum is
A. Simplex method B. Queuing theory
C. Transport method D. Value engineering

30.  The quality of a part does not depend upon
A. how cheap the part is B. how well the part performs its function
C. how reliable the performance of the pan is D. how far the performance can be maintained

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