CSS :: Soil Erosion and Conservation

11.  Which of the following prevents afforestation in deserts:
A. Goat and grazing animals B. Local resident
C. Unfertility of soil D. Low rainfall

12.  Eroded soils are:
A. Rich in plant nutrients B. Unaltered in plant nutrients
C. Devoid of plant nutrients D. All of these

13.  Fifth of June is celebrated as:
A. World environment day B. Darwin's birthday
C. World health and hygiene day D. World population day

14.  Mulching helps in:
A. Moisture conservation B. Weed control
C. Improvement of soil structure D. Increasing soil fertility

15.  The ecological equilibrium in mined areas can be achieved by:
A. Preventing soil erosion B. Developing a vegetational cover
C. Preventing overgrazing D. Introducing agriculture

16.  Agrostology is related with the study of:
A. Agricultural growth B. Epiphytes
C. Grasses D. Nematode disease

17.  What is the major cause of diminishing wild life?
A. Cannabalism B. Habitat destruction
C. Felling of trees D. Paucity of drinking water

18.  Rotation of crop is essential for:
A. Increasing fertility of soil B. Increasing quality of protein
C. Getting different kinds of crops D. Increasing quality of minerals

19.  Soil erosion can be reduced by:
A. Reducing over grazing B. Planting proper plants
C. Making dams D. All of those

20.  Soil erosion can be prevented by:
A. Deforestation B. Heavy rains
C. Afforestation D. Over grazing

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