CSS :: Great Economists and Their Work

71.  Who wrote "Economics of Imperfect Competition"?
A. E.H.Chamberlin B. John Robinson
C. E.A.G.Robinson D. J.R.Hicks

72.  Gunnar Myrdal was awarded Noble Prize for Economics in 1974. What is his nationality?
A. Norwegian B. Dutch
C. Swedish D. American

73.  Who stated explicitly for the first time the Law of Comparative Costs in the context of the theory of international trade?
A. David Ricardo B. Alfred Marshall
C. F.W.Taussig D. A.C.Pigou

74.  With which of the following concepts is the name of J.M. Keynes particularly associated?
A. Marginal propensity to save B. Marginal propensity to consume
C. Liquidity preference D. All of the above

75.  Identify the author of "The Affluent Society":
A. J.K.Galbraith B. Gunnar Myrdal
C. John Strachey D. N.Kaldor

76.  Who wrote "A Contribution to the Theory of Trade Cycle"?
A. N.Kaldor B. J.R.Hicks
C. J.S.Duesenberry D. A.H.Hansen

77.  Which is the work of R.F.Harrod?
A. Towards a Dynamic Economics B. The Trade Cycle : An Essay
C. Reforming the World's Money D. The Gold Standard in Theory and Practice

78.  Who among the following Noble Prize winners is an American economist?
A. Richard Stone B. Ragnar Frisch
C. Lawerence Klein D. James E. Meade

79.  "The General theory of Employment, Interest and Money" is the major work of:
A. N.Kaldor B. Alfred Marshall
C. F.A.Hayek D. J.M.Keynes

80.  At which university was W.W.Leontief appointed Professor of Economics in 1946?
A. London School of Economics B. University of Chicago
C. Harvard University D. University of Kiel

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