CSS :: Great Economists and Their Work

31.  Which one among the following does not match?
A. Amartya Sen - Harvard B. Jagdish Bhagwati - Princeton
C. T.N.Srinivasan - Yale D. P.S.Dasgupta - Cambridge

32.  Which of the following is not the work of J.B. Clark?
A. Philosophy of Wealth B. The Control of Trusts
C. Economics of Overhead Costs D. The Problem of Monopoly

33.  Identify the economist who propounded the "Time Preference Theory of Interest":
A. Nassau Senior B. Bohm Bawerk
C. J.M.Keynes D. K.Wicksell

34.  Who developed the concept of "Representative Firm"?
A. A.C.Pigou B. Alfred Marshall
C. J.M.Keynes D. A.W.H.Phillips

35.  Identify the work of T.Schultz:
A. Transforming Traditional Agriculture B. Productivity and Technical Change
C. Jobs, Poverty and the Green Revolution D. The Green Revolution: Generations of Problems

36.  Which of the following does not match?
A. J.R.Hicks: Capital and Growth B. C.P. Kindleberger: Economic Development
C. H.Myint: Economic Theory and Underdeveloped Regions D. E.H. Phelps - Brown: The Economics of Labour

37.  Which of the following Alfred Marshall's works was first published?
A. The Pure theory of Foreign trade B. The Principles of Economics
C. Industry and Trade D. Money, Credit and Commerce

38.  Who first used the term 'quasi-rent'?
A. David Ricardo B. Alfred Marshall
C. J.S.Mill D. Karl Marx

39.  How old was Alfred Marshall when he died?
A. 80 years B. 82 years
C. 85 years D. 90 years

40.  Among the following Noble Prize winners for Economics one is an Austrian economist. Identify him:
A. George Stigler B. F.A. von Hayek
C. Simon Kuznets D. Herbert A.Simon

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